

Industry Analysis

AC&M compiles analytical reports on Russian and CIS telecom markets covering different service segments and geographical areas. Based on our databases, market studies and business intelligence available to our consultants, these reports include most recent data, trends, financial and operational results of leading market players.

AC&M's telecom industry analytical products cover Russian and CIS cellular markets, fixed-line services, Internet and telecom equipment market. Reports also include short-term market development forecasts and industry events to watch in the near future.


AC&M maintains a comprehensive database on telecom industry covering all areas of the market. Our employees carefully collect and verify data from numerous public and insider sources on a regular basis. AC&M database includes the following information:

  • General information: regulations, legislatory situation in Russia and CIS, key persons, licensing and frequency allocation policy, etc.
  • Cellular communications: key industry indicators, licenses, frequencies, standards, cellular operators' financial and operational indicators, shareholding structure, tariffs, network structure and equipment, subscriber base for every region and license area.
  • Fixed-line communications, CLECs, ISP, carrier's carriers: financial and operating indicators of key players and general data on the whole industry. Information on holdings, key persons, shareholding structure and corporate actions. Network structure, services, equipment, main revenue drivers, traffic volumes, etc.
  • Macroeconomic data: GDP, income per capita, industrial output and other macro data for every Russian region and CIS and Baltic countries. Comparable figures for Eastern Europe and global emerging markets.
  • Major deals: AC&M closely monitors all major financial transactions in the industry - M&A activities, changes in shareholding structure, equipment supply deals. We analyze the structure of deals, calculate multiplies and other comparable indicators for further use in evaluations and analysis.
  • The data is used in AC&M market models, evaluations and available to our clients upon request.

Company Profiles

AC&M provides detailed profiles of telecommunications operators and affiliated companies - holdings, managing companies, etc.

Profiles include general description of the company's business activities, shareholding structure, management team, recent corporate actions and news, financial and operating indicators, market shares and SWOT-analysis.

In addition we may provide a forecast of the company's financial performance and operations.

Market Profiles

Russian and CIS telecom landscape represents a truly fragmented picture. History of telecom privatization in the region and licensing policy in 1996-2001 resulted in a complicated geographic breakdown of license territories.

Although the process of industry consolidation already started in 2001 being fueled by Svyazinvest restructuring and regional expansion of cellular companies, every market still has its local peculiarities.

Regional profiles by AC&M include full information on telecom market of the particular geographic area, market shares by main service segments, penetration levels, evaluation of market potential and size. On top of that, important macroeconomic data and outlook is provided.