Broadband Statistics

Residential Broadband Statistics


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Russian Residential Broadband Data 3Q 2012 Russian Residential Broadband Data 3Q 2012

Filesize: 200 kB
Downloads: 796

This is a cumulative release that includes data starting Q42011.

Please note that in this release some historical figures were reviewed based on more accurate information.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have questions.

Russian Residential Broadband Data 3Q2010 Russian Residential Broadband Data 3Q2010

Filesize: 210.5 kB
Downloads: 854

AC&M releases estimates on Russian residential broadband data.

Key points are:

  • Total number of residential broadband accounts is above 14 mln.
  • Penetration of broadband services in September 2010 reaches 27.2% in Russia while Moscow penetration is above 70%.
  • Centertelecom is a leading provider of BB services in Russia, followed by Comstar, Vimpelcom and ER-Telecom.
  • Comstar, Vimpelcom and AKADO dominate Moscow market.

Please note that Vimpelcom broadband subscribers in Moscow include both wireline and Beeline WiFi subscribers.


Russian Residential Broadband Data 4Q 2012 Russian Residential Broadband Data 4Q 2012

Filesize: 155.5 kB
Downloads: 1320

This release includes figures for 2Q-4Q 2012.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have questions.

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