Cellular Data 2013


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1Q 2013 Cellular Data 1Q 2013 Cellular Data

Filesize: 552.5 kB
Downloads: 908



  • Number of subscribers (active SIM cards) decreased to 230.4 mln, down 0.1 mln from 4Q2012, up 4.6 mln from 1Q2012;
  • Penetration retained at 161% (down 0.1% from 4Q2012, up 3.2% from 1Q2012);
  • There were 200 and 205 SIM cards in use per 100 population in Moscow and St.Petersburg respectively as of March 31, 2013.


  • Number of subscribers (active SIM cards) increased to 59.6 mln, up 2.2 mln from 4Q2012, 5.6 mln from 1Q2012
  • Penetration increased to 131% (up 4.8% from 4Q2012, 12.4% from 1Q2012).

2Q 2013 Cellular Data 2Q 2013 Cellular Data

Filesize: 592 kB
Downloads: 7533


  • Number of subscribers (active SIM cards) increased to 234.1 mln, up 3.7 mln from 1Q2013, up 6.6 mln from 2Q2012;
  • Penetration increased to 164% (up 3% from 1Q2013, 5% from 2Q2012);
  • There were 206 and 207 SIM cards in use per 100 population in Moscow and St.Petersburg respectively as of June 30, 2013.


  • Number of subscribers (active SIM cards) decreased to 59 mln, down 0.8 mln from 1Q2013, up 4.1 mln from 2Q2012
  • Penetration decreased to 130% (down 2% from 1Q2013, 9% from 2Q2012).

3Q 2013 Cellular Data 3Q 2013 Cellular Data

Filesize: 380.5 kB
Downloads: 7585


  • Number of subscribers (active SIM cards) increased to 239.5 mln, up 5.4 mln from 2Q2013, up 9.7 mln from 3Q2012;
  • Penetration increased to 168% (up 4% from 2Q2013, 7% from 3Q2012);
  • There were 213 and 208 SIM cards in use per 100 population in Moscow and St.Petersburg respectively as of September 30, 2013.


  • Number of subscribers (active SIM cards) increased to 61 mln, up 1.8 mln from 2Q2013, 4.4 mln from 3Q2012
  • Penetration increased to 134% (up 4% from 2Q2013, 10% from 3Q2012).


4Q 2013 Cellular Data 4Q 2013 Cellular Data

Filesize: 341 kB
Downloads: 1344


  • Number of subscribers (active SIM cards) increased to 242.8 mln, up 3.3 mln from 3Q2013, up 12.3 mln from 4Q2012;
  • Penetration increased to 170% (up 2% from 3Q2013, 9% from 4Q2012);
  • There were 217 and 212 SIM cards in use per 100 population in Moscow and St. Petersburg respectively as of December 31, 2013.



  • Number of subscribers (active SIM cards) decreased to 60.4 mln, down 0.2 mln from 3Q2013, up 3.0 mln from 4Q2012
  • Penetration decreased to 133% (down 0.4% from 3Q2013, 7% from 4Q2012).