Moscow Cellular Penetration is Over 100%
We estimate total number of Russian cellular customers at 78.26 mln as of January 31, 2004. Net additions in Russia were 3.9 mln, 55% decrease compared to December 2004 and 44% increase compared to January 2004.
Russian Mobile Subscribers
Mobile Subscribers | January 31, 2005 | December 31, 2004 |
Total Russia | 78,260,000 | 73,855,000 |
Penetration | 53.9% | 50.9% |
Moscow | 17,617,682 | 16,854,605 |
Penetration | 103.7% | 99.2% |
St.Petersburg | 5,797,703 | 5,644,334 |
Penetration | 91.4% | 89.0% |
Subscribers outside Moscow and St.Pete | 54,844,615 | 51,356,061 |
Penetration | 45.0% | 42.1% |
Please note that we have revised upward our December 2004 figure due to more detailed information available.
Russian Cellular | Russian Net Additions, |
Top 10 Mobile Operators
# | Company | January 31, 2005 | December 31, 2004 |
1 | MTS | 37,220,000 | 35,395,000 |
Moscow | 7,800,000 | 7,470,000 | |
Ukraine (UMC) | 7,730,000 | 7,400,000 | |
Belarus | 1,270,000 | 1,215,000 | |
Uzbekistan | 320,000 | 310,000 | |
2 | Vimpelcom | 28,245,000 | 26,550,000 |
Moscow | 7,775,000 | 7,475,000 | |
Kazakhstan | 995,000 | 859,000 | |
3 | MegaFon | 14,153,090 | 13,647,807 |
Moscow | 1,941,776 | 1,817,314 | |
Tajikistan | 48,624 | 47,891 | |
4 | Uralsvyazinform | 2,167,800 | 2,058,100 |
5 | SMARTS Group | 1,905,100 | 1,815,000 |
6 | Sibirtelecom | 1,029,742 | 1,001,900 |
7 | N.Novgorod Cellular | 725,000 | 656,441 |
8 | Ekaterinburg Cellular Communications - MOTIV | 440,000 | 405,467 |
9 | New Telephone Company | 280,810 | 262,205 |
10 | Skylink | 196,000 | 190,200 |
Moscow and St.Petersburg
Moscow License Area
MTS keeps the leading position in Moscow with Vimpelcom running very closely behind. MegaFon's market share remained stable at 11%.
Moscow Market Breakdown | Net Additions in Moscow, |
St.Petersburg and Leningrad Region
In January 2004 Vimpelcom attracted the largest number of customers in St.Petersburg and in the regions outside the capitals.
St. Petersburg Market Breakdown | Net Additions in St.Petersburg |
Regions outside Moscow and St.Pete
Regional Market Breakdown | Regional Net Additions |