
Moscow Cellular Penetration is Over 100%

We estimate total number of Russian cellular customers at 78.26 mln as of January 31, 2004. Net additions in Russia were 3.9 mln, 55% decrease compared to December 2004 and 44% increase compared to January 2004.

Russian Mobile Subscribers

Mobile Subscribers January 31, 2005 December 31, 2004
Total Russia 78,260,000 73,855,000
  Penetration 53.9% 50.9%
Moscow 17,617,682 16,854,605
  Penetration 103.7% 99.2%
St.Petersburg 5,797,703 5,644,334
  Penetration 91.4% 89.0%
Subscribers outside Moscow and St.Pete 54,844,615 51,356,061
  Penetration 45.0% 42.1%

Please note that we have revised upward our December 2004 figure due to more detailed information available.

Russian Cellular
Market Breakdown, January 2005
Russian Net Additions,
January 2005

Top 10 Mobile Operators

# Company January 31, 2005 December 31, 2004
1 MTS 37,220,000 35,395,000
7,800,000 7,470,000
Ukraine (UMC)
7,730,000 7,400,000
1,270,000 1,215,000
320,000 310,000
2 Vimpelcom 28,245,000 26,550,000
7,775,000 7,475,000
995,000 859,000
3 MegaFon 14,153,090 13,647,807
1,941,776 1,817,314
48,624 47,891
4 Uralsvyazinform 2,167,800 2,058,100
5 SMARTS Group 1,905,100 1,815,000
6 Sibirtelecom 1,029,742 1,001,900
7 N.Novgorod Cellular 725,000 656,441
8 Ekaterinburg Cellular Communications - MOTIV 440,000 405,467
9 New Telephone Company 280,810 262,205
10 Skylink 196,000 190,200

Moscow and St.Petersburg

Moscow License Area

MTS keeps the leading position in Moscow with Vimpelcom running very closely behind. MegaFon's market share remained stable at 11%.

Moscow Market Breakdown
January 31, 2005

Net Additions in Moscow,
January 2005

St.Petersburg and Leningrad Region

In January 2004 Vimpelcom attracted the largest number of customers in St.Petersburg and in the regions outside the capitals.

St. Petersburg Market Breakdown
January 31, 2005
Net Additions in St.Petersburg
January 2005

Regions outside Moscow and St.Pete

Regional Market Breakdown
January 31, 2005
Regional Net Additions
January 2005