
Cellular Market Data: Russia and Ukraine

Starting from this issue we initiate the release of cellular indicators for Ukranian market, please see information below and the extra worksheet added to the MS excel file.


Number of subscribers (valid SIM cards) reached 120 mln, up 4 mln from October 2005, 45 mln from December 2004 and 54 mln from November 2004. Other key points are:

  • Penetration in Russia grew to 83% (up 3% from October 2005, 31% from December 2004, 37% from November 2004);
  • There were 131 and 115 SIM cards in use per 100 population in Moscow and St.Petersburg respectively as of November 30, 2005;
  • In November 2005 Vimpelcom won back the leadership from MTS in net additions in Moscow, St.Petersburg and total Russia.

Russian Mobile Subscribers

Mobile Subscribers November 30, 2005 October 31, 2005
Total Russia 119,730,000 115,760,000
  Penetration* 82.5% 79.7%
Moscow 22,302,410 22,026,696
  Penetration* 131.3% 129.7%
St.Petersburg 7,273,784 7,171,757
  Penetration 114.7% 113.1%
Subscribers outside Moscow and St.Pete 90,153,806 86,561,547
  Penetration 74.0% 71.0%

* Please note that penetration figures are calculated based on official data from 2002 population census (17 mln for Moscow and 6.3 mln for St.Pete). Reportedly, the population in Moscow License Area reaches as high as 23-25 mln while St.Pete License Area population figure is above 7 mln.


Total number of subscribers reached 26,360,539 which translates into cellular penetration of 55.4%. Kyivstar showed good results in November outnumbering its main rival, UMC.

Please note that Astelit has more liberal churn policy (12 months) compared to other operators and still did not churn subcribers since its network launch. You may find more information in the file below.