AC&M Documents

Presentations, photos and other documents by AC&M


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Russian tower market: current state and outlook (Russian) Russian tower market: current state and outlook (Russian)

Filesize: 698.59 kB
Downloads: 3099

Presentation in Russian

Russian Tower Market 2020 (in Russian) Russian Tower Market 2020 (in Russian)

Filesize: 580.11 kB
Downloads: 3942

Annual AC&M report on the Russian tower market

Russian Tower Market 2019 (key metrics, English) Russian Tower Market 2019 (key metrics, English)

Filesize: 558.36 kB
Downloads: 3235

Key metrics in English from the Russia Tower Market report 

Russian Tower Market 2019 (in Russian) Russian Tower Market 2019 (in Russian)

Filesize: 975.4 kB
Downloads: 7089

Annual AC&M report on the Russian tower market

Mobile users preferences (in Russian) Mobile users preferences (in Russian)

Filesize: 635.12 kB
Downloads: 4726

New research report  from AC&M on what are the key preferences for end-users when it comes to choosing their mobile service operator.

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