Cellular Data 2009


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June 2009 June 2009

Filesize: 70.5 kB
Downloads: 546


  • Number of subscribers (valid SIM cards) increased to 196.6 mln, up 1.9 mln from May 2009, 23.7 mln from June 2008;
  • Penetration  increased to 135%  (up 1.3% from May 2009, 16.3% from June 2008);
  • There were 196 and 176 SIM cards in use per 100 population in Moscow and St.Petersburg respectively as of June 30, 2009.
  • Number of subscribers (valid SIM cards) decreased to 54.8 mln, down 0.2 mln from May 2009, down 0.3 mln from June 2008);
  • Penetration  decreased to 119.1%  (down 0.4% from May 2009, down 0.2% from June 2008).
  • Please note that drop in subsbribers at Kyivstar is caused by the new, more strict accounting policy by the operator: they stopped counting subscribers who continued receiving promotional SMSs from Kyivstar after 3 months of inactivity.

July 2009 July 2009

Filesize: 69.5 kB
Downloads: 517

 Data on cellular markets of Russia and Ukraine, July 2009. Russian operators have almost 200 mln active SIM cards registered in their networks!

January 2009 January 2009

Filesize: 53.5 kB
Downloads: 475
January 2009 cellular data, Russia and Ukraine

February 2009 February 2009

Filesize: 53 kB
Downloads: 381
February 2009 cellular data, Russia and Ukraine

December 2009 December 2009

Filesize: 67.5 kB
Downloads: 1247

AC&M Cellular estimates for November 2009


  • Number of subscribers (valid SIM cards) increased to 207.9 mln, up 2.4 mln from November 2009, 20.1 mln from December 2008;
  • Penetration increased to 143.2% (up 1.7% from November 2009, 13.8% from December 2008);
  • There were 191 and 187 SIM cards in use per 100 population in Moscow and St.Petersburg respectively as of December 31, 2009.


  • Number of subscribers (valid SIM cards) is 55.3 mln, up 0.3 mln from November 2009, down 0.5 mln from December 2008);
  • Penetration increased to 120.6% (up 1.1% from November 2009, down 0.4% from December 2008).
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