
October 2005 Cellular Market Data

Number of subscribers (valid SIM cards) reached 115.8 mln as of October 31, 2005, up 4.0 mln compared to the previous month. The growth is 41.4 mln subscribers since December 2004 and 53.5 mln since October 2004.

Penetration in Russia almost reached 80% (up 3% from August 2005, 29% from December 2004, 37% from October 2004). There were 130 and 113 SIM cards in use per 100 of population in Moscow and St.Petersburg respectively as of October 31, 2005. In October 2005 MTS outperformed its rivals in terms of net additions in Moscow and regions, while Vimpelcom did better than competition in St.Petersburg.

Russian Mobile Subscribers

Mobile Subscribers October 31, 2005 September 30, 2005
Total Russia 115,760,000 111,740,000
  Penetration* 79.7% 77.0%
Moscow 22,026,696 21,625,285
  Penetration* 129.7% 127.3%
St.Petersburg 7,171,757 7,077,535
  Penetration 113.1% 111.6%
Subscribers outside Moscow and St.Pete 86,561,547 83,037,180
  Penetration 71.0% 68.1%

* Please note that penetration figures are calculated based on official data from 2002 population census (17 mln for Moscow and 6.3 mln for St.Pete). Reportedly, the population in Moscow License Area reaches as high as 23-25 mln while St.Pete License Area population figure is above 7 mln.

Russian Mobile Subscribers Growth

Below you may download AC&M monthly updates for May-October 2005 in MS Excel format.

May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005

Please note that the number of subscribers mentioned in our reports effectively means number of valid SIM cards as reported by mobile operators according to their churn policy.
Penetration figures are calculated based on official 2002 Russian census data.
All files are compressed (ZIP).